This article was posted on Sunday, March 11th, 2018 at 5:53 pm and is filed under .
Everything went perfect. Staff from the agency recieved us everywhere as expected: at airports, at hotels, at attractions, at bus stations, at train stations. Tours were profesionally guided. Hotels were decent. Restaurants for meals were well chosen. I would have rated with 5 stars if only they had not missed meeting us on our return form Macchu Picchu. We waited for half an hour when the train arrived, then a local guy helped us call the agency. It took another fifteen minutes from someone from to meet us, and the problem was that all vans had left from the train station back to Cusco, and we had to wait for about an additional hour until they placed us in a private car. We were exhausted by then. The truth is that out of many possibilities of things going wrong, everything went pretty good, except for this.