This article was posted on Saturday, April 4th, 2009 at 11:01 am and is filed under .
David and Joyce,
I just wanted to thank you both for the terrific honeymoon you set up for us this last March. Joyce, you were so patient with us and with all the changes. David, it was very nice getting the chance to talk with you on our plane flight back to the states about the company.
Everything you booked for us was fantastic. The hotels were fantastic and the people working them were so nice. Every time we stepped off the train or plane, there was always someone there for us and it went so smoothly. I must say were were very impressed with the quality of service and the friendliness everyone showed in Peru. The 2 day hike to Machu Picchu was definitely a highlight, and we didn’t want to leave. We cant say enough good things about Freddy, our tour guide. Every step of the way he was full of knowledge not only about the Inca’s and the trail, but about the horticulture and life in Peru in general.
I must let you know that we went on a cruise for the second half of our honeymoon, and I do believe it was a mistake. Our trip to Peru and our experience through you makes the cruise seem insignificant. We fell in love with Peru, and wish we would have spent our entire honeymoon there.
Below are a few pictures of us at Machu Picchu, and of our guide Freddy. I dont know if it’s possible, but could you forward them onto him? He really was fantastic.
Thank you again so much. It was a trip of a lifetime.