This article was posted on Saturday, August 14th, 2010 at 3:59 pm and is filed under .
Dear Joyce;
I am writing to express my thanks for creating and organizing my trip visiting sites in Peru a week ago. I was very pleased with the entire trip and enjoyed myself to an extraordinary extent. As a student archaeologist I was rather keen on visiting the various archeology sites. Your itinerary really gave me a wonderful opportunity to learn and see and expand my understanding and amazement. As far as the logistics went, everything went well. All of the accommodations were very nice and easy. Overall, it was a very engaging and yet relaxed time for me, especially following my work in the field.
If there is any official way for me to express my gratitude to you or satisfaction with a job very well-done, please let me know (such as if I emailed your superiors or even just filled out a review somewhere). I will be sure to recommend your services to any friends I might know to be traveling to Peru.
Sincerely yours,
Joe Cottral