#PeruTours Hall of Fame in TripAdvisor

Have You Heard of These Peruvian Holidays?

Getting the chance to witness the holiday celebrations of foreign countries is one of the greatest pleasures of travelling. While Peru recognizes many of the most popular international holidays – public holidays include Christmas and May Day (International Labor Day) – Peru also has many holidays and national celebrations that are unique to the area. […]

3 Surprising Peruvian Animal Facts

Peru is one of the most biologically diverse countries in the world, and is home to many mammals, reptiles, plants, and other forms of wildlife. When visiting Peru, travellers have the chance to see a large selection of animals in the wild that they may not be able to see anywhere else in the world. […]

4 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Peru

Most people know about Machu Picchu and the Incas, but there’s a lot more to Peruvian history and culture than that. Peru holds an important place in world history in regards to food, culture, and sport, one that stretches back hundreds and even thousands of years. With that in mind, here’s four surprising things about […]

Visit these 3 cities on your next vacation to Peru, you will find wonderful places and traditional food, ask your BPT travel agent about these cities

When someone asks for suggestions on the best places to visit in Peru, they’ll usually get the same few answers: Machu Picchu, the Inca Trails, the Nazca Desert. But there are many great places to visit in Peru that don’t involve a hike up a mountain or a trek to an ancient ruin. Peru is […]

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