Ways to Sweeten Your Trip with Language

#PeruTours Hall of Fame in TripAdvisor

This article was posted on Wednesday, August 26th, 2015 at 4:50 am and is filed under Tours of Peru.

Adventurers who take the time to understand the native language have an

advantage from the start. Most of our Peruvian tour guests do tend to know a little


They can say “please” (por favor), “thank you” (gracias), and “good morning”

(buenos dias). Some know a lot more, and most also know how to ask for where the

bathroom is, (¿Dónde está el baño?), whether hiking, riding, or choosing any other type

of adventure in Peru, including deep sea fishing in Northern Peru.

The experience is even sweeter if you take a deeper dive into the language.

You’ll have opportunity to use Spanish phrases when you go out your own or in small

groups, during free moments on the tour. Guests often take unscheduled but rewarding

jaunts to local restaurants, shops, or other attractions along the way. Those who do take

the time find you don’t have to know many words to truly sweeten your experience of

the people of Peru.

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