Peru adventure tours and The Wonder List with Bill Weir

#PeruTours Hall of Fame in TripAdvisor

This article was posted on Monday, October 30th, 2017 at 5:37 pm and is filed under Cusco Tours, Other News, Peru in the World.

Peru adventure tours are very popular today, is one of the most sought after by current travelers who come in search of adrenaline, new experiences and above all unforgettable adventures.

Peru adventure tours - The Wonder List with Bill Weir in CNN


Peru Adventure Tours and The Wonder List

Cusco is not only a city full of mystery and mysticism, there are also different proposals for adventure lovers.

Here at Best Peru Tours we have prepared a list that will be of your interest:

The successful television series “The Wonder List with Bill Weir” has Peru as one of the top five destinations this month and as one of the main venues in its last season of editing.

This successful television series is already in its fourth season, starting its first season in March 2015.

Peru will be presented in the next episode on November 11 in this fourth season, called:

  • Peru: The Curse of Incan Gold
    The Incan ruins of Machu Picchu; protecting a fragile beauty in the modern world.

This is the total list of episodes and the dates of emission:

  • Madagascar: The Richest Poor Country in the World / Oct. 14
  • Egypt: Sunken City of Pharaohs / Oct. 21
  • Alaska: Buried Treasure / Oct. 28
  • New Zealand: Preying on the Predators / Nov. 4
  • Peru: The Curse of Incan Gold / Nov. 11

In this way, once again, Peru is placed in the eyes of the world, with the main tourist attraction being the city of Machu Picchu and all its ancestral wealth.

Now that you have more information, what are you waiting for to take your backpack and prepare your next vacation; the Peru adventure tours awaits for you!

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#PeruInTheWorld #TheWonderList #BillWeir #CNN #BestPeruTours #PeruTours #MachuPicchu #Cusco #CuscoPeru #LovePeru

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