
#PeruTours Hall of Fame in TripAdvisor

Cusco: The Entrance of Corpus Christi

Although it would be inaccurate to affirm that every year the doors of heaven are opened, so that an outpost of virgins and saints can walk in a procession in the streets of the Historical Center of Cusco, with the purpose of spending the night in the Cathedral, dialoguing and exchanging views with the host […]

From Sun to Water, a Trip to The Past

Cusco is one of those cities that take you to the past. As you walk through its streets and squares, seeing its ancient buildings -incas, Hispanic, Andean-, when listening to Quechua words in a corner dressed in the past or observing the stone blocks that fit millimeter-wise in a wall, it is inevitable to ask […]

Peruvian Delicacies, October 21 Peruvian Anticucho Day

The cuisine in Peru has reached high levels of preference and taste nationally and internationally. This is due to its great variety of dishes from different parts of Peru, since we have coast, mountains and jungle and the products that emerge from them are of high nutritional value and very exotic variety. The richness of […]

Santa Rosa de Lima, The Saint of America

The original face of “Santa Rosa de Lima” designed in 3d by scientifics. August 30 is the day of San Rosa de Lima, a day in which many faithful from all over Peru gather to pay tribute to this extraordinary woman who dedicated her life to follow God. Isabel Flores de Oliva, was born on […]

Peruvian Coffee Day, Visit the Coffee Villa Rica Route In Your Next Vacations

The day of the Peruvian coffee is celebrated on August 24, internationally recognized as the best or one of the best in the world. This Peruvian product is one of the most demanded by the most demanding consumers of different countries, for this reason here is a summary of how one of our flag products […]

Holy Week in Peru: Huaraz and its Summits of Devotion

At the foot of the Huascarán – one of the highest snow-covered peaks in the world – in the city of Huaraz, Holy Week is impregnated with the tradition and customs of its people as it commemorates the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. In Huaraz, known as the Peruvian Switzerland, people prepare a year […]

Holy Week in Cusco: The Lord of Earthquakes

The Archaeological Capital of America and former head of the once mighty Empire of Tahuantinsuyo celebrates Holy Week by paying homage to the image of the Lord of the Earthquakes or Taitacha Temblores, in Quechua. According to some sources, the history of this Christ of stark features and overwhelming appearance dates back to when the […]

Holy Week in Peru: Ayacucho

In the capital, Huamanga, the celebrations begin with the so-called “Doloroso Friday”, previous to Palm Sunday, gathering thousands of parishioners around the Lord of the Agony and of the Sorrowful Virgin, in a meeting that personifies the suffering of Christ and his mother’s. Minutes after noon on Palm Sunday the traditional entrance of the “Chamiza” […]

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