Peru Amazon Tours and The Beauty of One City

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This article was posted on Thursday, October 26th, 2017 at 2:04 pm and is filed under Amazon Tourism, Holidays, Tours of Peru.

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Amazonian of Peru

The Amazonia in Peru have around 782,000.00 km square from the “Cordillera de los Andes” to Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil and Bolivia. Peru amazon tours have great cities that you need to visit in your next trip to Peru.

The Amazonian of Peru have protected areas that you need to care for, these are:

  • National park of Tingo Maria
  • National park of Rio Abiseo
  • National reserve of Matses
  • National reserve Pacaya Samiria
  • National reserve Alpahuayo Mishana
  • National paro of Manu
  • National reserve Tambopata
  • National park Bahuaja Sonene
  • Communal reserve Amarakaeri
  • National park Sierra del Divisor
  • National park Alto Purus

Many places to visit in the Amazonian of Peru, right?

All these parks need be part of your next Peru amazon tours, we want give you more information about:

Iquitos, Warm City and Friendly People

Iquitos Peru

Is the capital city of department of Loreto, the city biggest of Amazonia of Peru, is known as Capital of the Peruvian Amazon, is surrounded by the river of Amazonas, Nanay and Italaya.

The downtown has some cultural heritage like:

  • The Cathedral of Iquitos
  • The house of Iron
  • The old hotel Palace
  • The House Cohen
  • The House Morey
  • And more than 70 builds.

The principal festivity in all Amazon of Peru is the San Juan Party, and each city of the Peruvian Amazon has their own customs and activities around this festival, the central day is on 24 of June.

Juane Food - Iquitos Peru

One day before 24 of June, the natives go to the rivers to purify their soul, this action is known as “El Baño Bendito”, the reason of this bath is because the people believe that San Juan Apostol bless the rivers and the person that takes a bath in the river would have happiness and prosperity all year long.

On the main day, the people go to the San Juan village, there is a religious mass and procession, a typical band is part of this event with typical dances too.

After this, there is a dance of “pandilla” where the people dance around of palm with gifts, this is known as the “Unsha”. The typical food is “Juane” that is cooking with rice, chicken involved in leaves of “bijao”.

In the week of the celebration you can enjoy parties, dance and crafts, all with typical dances and typical music, all people enjoy the San Juan celebration with their families and friends, people of other cities of Peru and tourists around the world come to Peru to enjoy this big festivity.

All Peru amazon tours in June come you to this festivity. The Iquitos people are friendly and all people of the world is invited to enjoy this amazon city that have special culture and unique traditions.

Would you like know Iquitos?

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