Innovative Beer Flavors and New Businesses Booming in Peru

#PeruTours Hall of Fame in TripAdvisor

This article was posted on Saturday, March 22nd, 2014 at 9:20 am and is filed under Other News.

purple corn for peruvian beer

Gastronomy tours have become big business in Peru as word has leaked out about the delicious flavors used in Peruvian cuisine, so it’s no surprise that locals have upped their creativity.

The growing popularity of foodie tours coming to Peru has made it possible for microbreweries to incorporate local ingredients into some new beer flavors. Cerveceria Gourmet recently launched a line of Cumbres beers. One of these incorporates organic coffee into its recipe — while you may have seen coffee beer before, but how about purple corn or quinoa in beer?

This is just one of the ways restaurants, breweries, and food producers have been improving their crafts. Innovations such as these are made possible by the growing tourism industry, because if there wasn’t enough of a market for it, the world might never have seen purple corn beer and the thousands of other unique, local dishes and drinks.

Recent Reports Say Peru is Good for Business

The food, drink, and restaurant industries aren’t the only ones thriving in Peru. Two recent reports came out showcasing Peru’s economic strength:

  • This month, a Bloomberg survey ranked Peru the No. 2 country in Latin America to do business. It’s population growth, investment in industry, and management of inflation have increased its rank. Peru is also the 37th best place to do business of the 157 countries surveyed.
  • The Inter-American Development Bank’s Multilateral Investment Fund released and index in 2013 stating Peru is one of the best environments in Latin America for female entrepreneurs. The index measured several points, including access to finances, skills, childcare availability, business operating risks, and security.

When a country is growing strongly and intelligently, the tourism industry thrives from an increase in the resources available to both visitors and locals. Plus it produces unique flavors of beer!

Photo Credit: Jenny Mealing

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